Spitzer to Eric Holder: Prosecute Goldman or Quit
Since Eric Holder seems to be lost somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, I don’t have much hope for Spitzer’s call to action, but it is gratifying to see someone calling out the Administration’s appalling lapses.
Ok folks... I found this at Democratic Underground... I found this video on youtube but was unable to copy the link, so I am hoping the link listed below will help... Remember I am still new at these things so this may not work... Personally I don't think Eric Holder will do a Damned Thing.... What are you thoughts???
Ok this will work, however you will need to copy the link below and paste it to your browser... Preferably in a new window, well that's what I did... Good Luck, hope to hear your thoughts and views.... =)
- added by: KB723
- future_america voted up Spitzer to Eric Holder: Prosecute Goldman Sachs or Quit 7 months ago